Chainmail Chastity

Amateur Bondage
I made this myself as a gift to my wife. It was supposed to be a normal chastity cage but it turned out very different. It is made of 800-1000 individual rings and in the hand it is very soft and pliable. Seems like it would be harmless and mostly comfortable. It is neither of those things. About 1/3 of the rings have a small but very pointy blemish. So at any time there are about 300 pricks digging into my prick. This isn't as noticeable when I am limp but if I start to get hard it is very unpleasant. It is sized to have enough room to be difficult and painful to put on when limp but way to small to get fully erect.nnChainmail by its design will contract with equal force in the opposite direction it is expanding. So when my cock starts to grow inside this thing it expands to whatever width and length it naturally expands to, then STOPS. Any attempt to get harder makes it dig in more. Thicker makes it force itself shorter. Longer makes it tighter around the shaft. And there is absolutely NO way to get it off without going limp again. Each ring also transferers any contact it makes with something on the outside individually.. So overstimulating is really easy except for the pain it also causes.
Chainmail Chastity
Chainmail Chastity
Chainmail Chastity
Chainmail Chastity
Chainmail Chastity
Chainmail Chastity
Chainmail Chastity
Chainmail Chastity
Chainmail Chastity
Chainmail Chastity